Featuring dozens of mega hit commercial arcade games for children AND adults..
Most ordinary vacation homes feature only a simple game table or two stuck in a garage. In contrast, The Sweet Escape is an entire resort-like vacation retreat with TWO large video game arcade rooms stocked with a variety of interactive games set to "FREE PLAY" including Fast & Furious Race Cars, Commercial Basketball Hoops, Video Bowling, and more than one Multicade machine featuring dozens of classic hit video games (i.e. Donkey Kong, Ms. Pac-Man, Frogger, Burger Time, Time Pilot, etc.)--- There are even such family-oriented table games as Foosball and side-by-side Air Hockey! There's also a Gumball Pinball Game that gives out candy prizes and a full-sized Candy Crane prize machine as well. As if that wasn't enough, there are still dozens of board games around the estate available for guest use...as well as large-scale carnival games, PlayStations, classic Wii Systems, X-Box consoles, etc;)...AND still even more surprises you won't see until your arrival !...Please note: We sometimes swap or otherwise upgrade game machines. Game machines shown in photos are subject to change.